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Coaching to Excel

Get Help With My HR From £195 Per Month

“They deliver quality service and go the extra mile. We can certainly vouch for the team and their integrity, professionalism and prompt support.” Farida Gibbs, Director, Gibbs S3

Coaching To Progress

Coaching to progress is essential in the workplace if you want to get the best out of your workforce. There is always room to improve in any workplace so by making sure you are coaching your staff to excel, you can continue to build on success at your business.

When you find you have a team to manage part of your role will be to help them to improve.  This might be just helping someone to polish up their existing skills or starting from scratch with someone who has the potential for promotion.  Being able to coach effectively is essential if you are to become a manager who runs a high performing team.

The Coaching to Excel programme

  • What could you achieve with a little learning?
  • How to spot coaching needs and fuel a motivational environment
  • Understanding the difference between instruction, coaching and mentoring
  • How to create a motivational environment where people want to succeed
  • The steps involved in constructing a coaching plan
  • Coaching techniques to maximise outcomes
  • How to set goals and help people to achieve results and improve job satisfaction
  • A good coach develops really competent performers who want to succeed

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Coaching To Excel

If you’re managing people, the Coaching to Progress programme will ensure your team produces star performers.

  • The role of the coach
  • How to identify development needs and choose appropriate methods
  • Understanding how to get buy-in
  • Coaching plans and preparation
  • The psychology of coaching
  • Addressing blockages
  • The learning experience
  • This programme is classroom-based

It’s an investment of one day that will help you to develop individuals to exceed even their own expectations. Get in touch with us today if you are interested in our coaching to progress course to find out more information from our experts.

Get help with my HR

As a leading HR consultancy firm, we help businesses across London to improve their HR performance. Contact us today to enquire about our services.